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Circuit Tester

TICO-601Circuit Tester

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 6 and 12 volt systems

TICO-602Dualite High and Low Voltage Trouble Shooter

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 6 and 12 volt systems.

TICO-603Battery Powered Continuity Tester

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 6 and 12 volt systems

TICO-604Heavy Duty Circuit Tester (18/24/26V)

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 18,24 & 36 volt system

TICO-605Professional Circuit Tester

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 18,24 & 36 volt system

TICO-608Professional Circuit Tester

Most widely used automotive circuit tester.Quickly checks all 18,24 & 36 volt system